Crypto-Fund.Org Mobile app will replace web-based investor’s area

1 min readNov 24, 2020

Since our mobile app had a very positive feedback from our users, we are going to switch off old web-based investor’s area, starting from 1st of December 2020.

Supporting two systems takes efforts and time, and our goal to keep everything simple and focus on asset managing part. Since everyone nowadays has a mobile phone, either iOS or Android, it makes sense to stick to mobile app, where its much easier to check portfolio, etc.

So, if you are our investor: Please install a Crypto-Fund.Org mobile app, here you can find how, and enjoy this new and powerful tool to track CF performance.
In case you have any problems with installation, please make sure to let us know:

As always — grateful for your support,

Crypto-Fund.Org Team

